domenica 28 dicembre 2008

sabato 27 dicembre 2008

Gondolata di Natale

Hello! Please click on the title to look at our photos!

The whole primary school Don Milani (about 100 of us, our teachers and our headteacher) took part in the traditional Gondolata on the Grand Canal in Venice. Altogether 17 gondolas were prepared for us! We were very lucky: only one school is selected every year. It was our turn this year.
But surprise...surprise...Babbo Natale came along and gave us sweets!
But it wasn't easy. He had to throw them from his gondola and we had to catch them in the air! That was fun! Luckily nobody fell into the water ^_^
We also blow bubbles and sung songs:-)

sabato 20 dicembre 2008

Le prove del canto di Natale

"A Natale puoi"

the Xmas song children are preparing for the school show which will take place tomorrow

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mercoledì 17 dicembre 2008

Il gioco del Folletto

The children from Arcobaleno Nursery school have invented "Il gioco del Folletto".
It is a board game which is played with dice.
The children will take the game home and finish making the dice with their parents.
Good fun for the whole family!

Biscuits and Cribs

The children from Girasole and Arcobaleno nursery schools
prepared biscuits for Christmas.
With the biscuits they decorated the Christmas cards.
Do you like our biscuits?
It is really fun to make them!
They also made special cards with the help of their grandparents.
The cards represent the crib.
Do you like the new born baby in the crib?

domenica 14 dicembre 2008

Winter Festivities in Italy

In Italy, we usually celebrate these winter festivities:

December 6. Festa di San Nicolò on Murano Island in Venice is a week-long celebration for San Nicolò, the patron saint of glass blowers. There's a procession on the water.

December 8: the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception, Festa dell’Immacolata is a national holiday. Although schools, government offices and banks are closed, many stores stay open for holiday shoppingMost families usually prepare the Xmas treethe crib and start decorating their houses. Some people go to the mountains to ski or to visit Xmas markets
The city is full of lights and decorations.

December 13: Santa Lucia Day is celebrated in many Italian towns. One of the biggest celebrations is in Sicily where the city of Siracusa holds a huge parade carrying the saint on a golden coffin to the Church of Santa Lucia. Until 1861 relics of Saint Lucy were venerated in a church dedicated to her in Venice; after its demolition, they were translated to the church of San Geremia, where they can still be seen. On the night between 12 and 13, she brings gifts to children in some Italian regions. We usually say: "Santa Lucia è la notte più lunga che ci sia"
St. Lucy's day is the longest night of the year.

December24: Xmas Eve.
Most people are having a large dinner called “cenone” , which traditionally consists of fish.
Some families go to midnight mass
Children are very excited, they look forward to opening Father Xmas’ presents.

25th: A very merry Christmas
Buon Natale a tutti!!!! Today is a fantastic day, children open their presents, sing and listen to Xmas songs; some people go to the church and all families have a big lunch: Roast meat, capon or turkey, and vegetables. We have typical cakes: panettone or pandorobiscuits, fruit salad and nougat “torrone”. In the afternoon, people play bingo “tombola” or watch a cartoon on tv, or visit relatives.

26th: Saint Stephen's Day, the day after Christmas, is a national holidy in Italy, some people go on holidays to the mountains .

Italians love festivals and the ending of the old year and beginning of the new year, il capodanno, is a great time to celebrate in Italy.
31st: on New Year’s Eve, La Festa di San Silvestro, everyone is getting ready for the big dinner and party together with familiy and friends.
The star of the dinner is lentils, symbolizing money and good fortune for the coming year. Traditionally, the dinner in many parts of Italy also includes a cotechino, a large spiced sausage, or a zampone, stuffed pig's trotter.
There are huge midnight fireworks to celebrate the coming of the new year.
Dancing is also popular and many towns have public music and dancing before the fireworks. In Venice there is a huge popular outdoor show with pop and rock bands.
Guests of private or public parties are sometimes entertained with a game called "Tombola", similar to Bingo.
The New Year is also celebrated with spumante or prosecco, Italian sparkling wine.
New Year parties will often last until sunrise in order to watch the first sunrise of the newborn year.
An old custom that is still followed in some places, especially in the south, is throwing your old things out the window to symbolize your readiness to accept the New Year. So, keep an eye out for falling objects if you're walking around near midnight!
Oh, one more thing, don't forget to wear your red underwear to ring in the new year! They say it'll bring you luck in the coming year.
If you receive a kiss under the mistletoe, or if you eat grapes or “lentis” you will be lucky for all the year!!

1st Jan. People sleep until late in the morning because of the parties of the day before. We have lunch and in the afternoon we visit relatives or we go to the cinema or simply we relax watching television. Some people go skiing in the Dolomites, where children can play with the snow and enjoy throwing snowballs, making snowmen or go sledging down the mountains.

6th Jan. The Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated with a national holiday in Italy, and the tradition of La Befana are a big part of Italian Christmas celebrations.
Epiphany commemorates the 12th day of Christmas when the three Wise Men arrived at the manger bearing gifts for Baby Jesus.
Italy's traditional celebration includes the tale of a white-haired witch known as La Befana who arrives on her broomstick during the night of January 5 and fills the children’s stockings with toys and sweets for the good children and lumps of coal for the bad ones.
Children recite:
La befana vien di notte,
con le scarpe tutte rotte,
con il vestito da romana,
viva, viva la Befana!
But… Il giorno dell’ ’Epifania tutte le feste si porta via…
Unfortunately, holidays finish and children come back to school.

Did you know?
Green, white, and red—the colours of Italy's national flag, and the traditional Christmas colours as well.
It may not be a surprise, then, that Christmas probably originated in Italy.

Logo Competition

In riferimento all’attuazione del Progetto Europeo Comenius 2008-2010 “Side by Side in education – RE.A.L. – Reciprocal Affective Learning”, tutti gli alunni dell’Istituto Comprensivo, di età compresa tra 3 e 14 anni, hanno partecipato all’ attività un Logo per l’Europa che costituirà l’immagine – guida per i progetti, gli eventi e i materiali prodotti nel corso dell’esperienza. Dalla selezione di tutti i disegni è risultato vincitore per l’Italia il seguente
All the children in the school have taken part in the Logo activity. The older ones produced logos individually, the younger ones (including the 3 year olds) either individually or in small groups. We have selected 20 logos from the older ones (Lower Sec. School) and 22 from the younger ones (primary and nursery) which were put on display at the school stand at the local St. Martin's Fair.
All the other works are visible on the schools walls.
This is the winning logo for Italy

mercoledì 26 novembre 2008


This is the entrance to the main building of our Institute. In this building there is the Primary school "Pascoli" and the Secondary school "Gramsci", which gives the name to the whole institute.

Questo è la sede principale dell'
I.C. "A. Gramsci" di Campalto-Venezia che ospita la Scuola primaria G. Pascoli” e la Scuola secondaria di I° grado A. Gramsci

Le altre scuole si trovano in edifici diversi

Questa è la scuola primaria "Don Milani"

Questa è la scuola dell'infanzia "Girasole"

Questa è la scuola dell'infanzia "Arcobaleno"

lunedì 24 novembre 2008


Il nostro istituto "A. Gramsci" di Campalto-Venezia,
partecipa al
Progetto RE.A.L.
REciprocal Affective Learning
Side by Side in Education
A Multilateral Partnership among
8 European schools
  • Spagna, CEIP José Maria del Campo - Siviglia;
  • Islanda, Gimli & Njardvikurskoli - Reykjanesbaer;
  • Ungheria, Hriszto Botev Általános Iskola & Egry Úti Körzeti Óvoda - Vesprem;
  • Galles, Regno Unito, Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Caerffili - Caerphilly;
  • Francia, Ecole Maternelle Publique Mdme. René Coty & Ecole Primaire Publique Jean Charcot - Ouisterham

TUTTA la scuola sarà coinvolta nel progetto europeo multilaterale biennale che si prefigge di promuovere le competenze di cittadnanza attiva e responsabile in una prospettiva culturale europea attraverso lo scambio e il confronto con altri sistemi di formazione-istruzione:

  • per gli insegnanti e gli operatori della scuola - possibilità di confronto e scambio in campo educativo, didattico e organizzativo in un'ottica di apertura/confronto/cooperazione;
  • per gli studenti - possibilità di scambi di classe, corrispondenza epistolare e via computer, sviluppo e potenziamento della comunicazione nelle lingue straniere; educazione alla cittadinanza; educazione ambientale e scientifica; ricerche storico-geografiche; educazione letteraria con la produzione di poesie in lingua italiana e straniera su temi quali l'intercultura, la produzione di un giornalino, lettura e consultazione di materiale bibliotecario; collaborazioni con associazioni campaltine per laboratorio fotografico, laboratorio di storia locale; laboratorio di scacchi e uscite in canoa, ...